Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Are You Marketing Your Product/Service Using Online Classified Ads

Getting More Internet Exposure

If you have a business, regardless of what it is, are you getting any sales? If not, are you promoting your business online, even though you own a local business? Otherwise, you are missing out if you don't have any internet presence. Why? Because there are more than hundreds of millions of people throughout the world who have internet access and it's going to be here to stay.

What about the online classifieds?

Most of the online classifieds are picking up steam because of the internet. If you look at the top classifieds site like Craigslist, Kijiji, Backpage, and several others, they're getting over billions of hits every month. Craigslist alone is getting 8 billion hits every month. Some of the internet marketers are promoting their products and services on Craigslist and making some pretty good money on commissions. I'm one of those people who do it and make some pretty good money. It's a good way to drive traffic to your web site, which will do all the selling for you, provided that you have written up a pretty good sales page. Some write up short ads on an online classifieds ads site and then they go straight to the website from there.

How Much Does It To Advertise On These Sites?

Most of the online classified sites let you promote your stuff for little or nothing. However, there are some sections where you may have to pay or have a special account in order to be able to promote your product/services. Other online classified sites offer preferred ad spots for a fee to be able to place your ad such that it will increase its visibility. On most ads, the last one to put their ad gets to be on the top of the page. If you pay to have your ad placed, you get preferential treatment where your ads go on the top of the page.

The more hits the website gets, the more it will cost. For example, charges $15,000 per month on a 150x150 pixel ad, but that site gets tons of traffic on a daily basis. Those with a medium amount of traffic would, of course, pay less. Yahoo charges at least $50,000 a month to have their banner on the very front page of their website, but I won't be surprised if they charge more than that.

Hope you get the point.

Where Should I Advertise?

You will have to do the research on this. Your business process dictates which direction to take to advertise your products/services. It will be based on the skill set that your business have. I don't believe there is one right way to advertise, but you should do your due diligence to determine which buttons to push when you promote your website. Don't just put your ad up there blind because you can spend a lot of your advertising dollars to promote your products/services.

However, I have a way of eliminating all the guesswork for you for advertising your business on any of the online classified ads websites. However, it will take some work on your part to accomplish it.

Where Should I Post?

Chances are, you may choose Craigslist, Backpage, Kijiji, Oodle, or Gumtree. Although there are other free online classified ads sites, these are the sites that get the most traffic on the internet. At least, it doesn't cost you anything to post on any of the sites, but yes, you may have to pay a small fee to post on some of the sections. This is negligible compared to posting your ad on most newspapers, including getting placed on their online classified ads.

Can Anybody Place An Ad Just Like That?

Well to be honest with you, not quite. Your ads must meet the standards acceptable to the online classified ads site or it will be rejected. It's their party and you better abide by the rules or you're ad doesn't go up. If you repeatedly break the rules of their party, your internet address (called IP Address) WILL GET BANNED. You may need to observe the rules if you want your ad to stick.

Is It True That People Are Getting Around It...

There are ways to get around it. If you want more information on how this may be possible, I strongly recommend that you go to and fill out the form and will get back with you within 48 hours.

However, you need to determine if this is what you want to do to grow your business. It depends on how bad you wanted your business to do well. I encourage you to check it out.


You should promote your products/services using online classified ads because it gets billions of visits every month. Although there is a small fee to post on the special sections, most of the time, you don't have to pay to post. If you're willing to do what it takes to grow your business, regardless of what it is, you know what action you need to take. I encourage you to try and promote your products and services using online classified ads, especially, if you're on a limited budget.