Friday, October 3, 2008

What Good Does Web Traffic Do If Your Ad Isn't Converting?

Your Ad Isn't Converting?

Okay, so you may not have trouble increasing website traffic. What if you're having trouble taking your visitors to the next step, like visit your website?

People ask me where they placed several ads where it's intended to point to their website, but they never get a response to the ad.

This happens a lot and they are due to the following. I'll discuss each item briefly.
  • Demand
  • Obsolete Product/Service
  • The way your ad is written
  • Reputation of company
  • Website not working

What does demand mean? Well we all know that there's always a demand for gasoline and there are times that the price goes up or goes down. That's because if there's enough gasoline available, people don't have to worry about the price. If we're short on gas, then the price increases. Goverment regulations also play a role in the pricing as well. In the U.S., environmentalists are doing everything in their power to keep us from purchasing gas. They lobby to Congress to make sure that oil drilling will be put to a halt because it has an impact on the animals that live nearby. In Europe, I hear gas prices as high as $9.50 per gallon while in the Middle East and Venezuela, prices are like $0.20 per gallon.

Let's just say this. If there's a lot of quantities of widgets available for sale, the prices are usually lower. If there isn't enough, the prices are higher. This has to do with the demand and supply for widgets. That goes with gasoline as well.

So as a rule of thumb, the higher the demand, the higher the price.

Obsolete Product/Service

Having trouble selling that product? Probably because that product or service may be obsolete. For example, try selling a computer you bought ten years ago for $400. Good luck with that because nowadays, you may pay just to get rid of it, like send it to recycling or something. As for the service, let's say you're selling a service that repairs computers that were built ten years ago. It doesn't sound like that service will be around for a while since computer technology is doubling their speed, according to Moore's Law, every 18 to 24 months. So anytime a product changes or is discontinued, you must make changes to how you'll deliver your service for your clients and potential clients or you won't be able to continue selling your service as is.

The Way Your Ad Is Written

Writing ads is a continuous process. You will need to do a split test between two ads that you deploy. Here's an example:

Starting A Home Business?
Don't Do It Until You Visit This
Site Or You'll Be Sorry. See how

Looking For A Home Biz?
Don't do it until you visit this
Site or you'll be sorry. See How

You basically compare between the two ads. I got more visits to the same website when I used the 2nd ad than the first ad because I capitalized every word in the 2nd ad.

Here's another ad that you should take a look at:

Trouble With Your MLM Biz?
If A 26-Year Old Can Find A Way
Out Of It, So Can You. See How.

Start Growing Your MLM Biz
Learn How To Grow Your MLM Biz
Using Different Tactics. See How

Which one do you think will get more visits to your ad?

The first ad.

That's because the first ad brings up the problem to the audience who's already having the pain while the 2nd ad brings up possible pleasure.

For some reason, people respond more to pain than pleasure because there is more need to stop the bleeding immediately than to learn how to avoid it in the first place.

If you have a toothache, would you wait for another week to see the dentist and have your tooth yanked? How about having those braces done to make your teeth look better? Which one would
you respond more to? Needing to have your tooth yanked or needing to get braces done?

Everyone I asked said that they would need that see the dentist and have their tooth yanked.

So as you see, pain more of a catalyst in closing a sale than pleasure.

Reputation Of Company

A good company usually makes every effort to satisfy every one of their stakeholders. Let's face it. We can't make everyone happy. There's always going to be a rotten apple in the barrel, that means you will always have some rotten customers. However, for a company to have their reputation tarnished, you would have to have more than just a reasonable sample of customers who are dissatisfied with the products. If more than one customer has a bad experience with the products, it will get to a point where someone is going to drive traffic to a blog (for example) and tell their audience about their bad experience with that product. However, if it came from more than one customer and as long as there is no cartel (deals between unique dissatisfied customers), then the company's reputation will get a dent such that they would need to fix it. Right or wrong, it only takes one dissatisfied customer to tell the world about the reputation of your company or product.

Your best bet is to show some value when you market your product/service.

Website Not Working

If your website is not working, that's pretty much a no brainer. You simply don't get any visits. This has an impact to your reputation as well and the first time impressions.

Make sure you get a hosting provider that would virtually give you a 100% uptime.

Sometimes you may put an ad and inadvertently gave the wrong link or a link that had a typo. I've made that mistake many times because I always rush things. Bad mistake. Instead, I check every single character in my ad to ensure that everything works as the ad is intended to do.

A website that doesn't work will cost you visits, thus you won't be able to convert them to sales. The safe play is check the links and have someone else read your ad and check the links to make sure that they work.


Make sure you cover at least, the following topics that I discussed. Just to summarize what I talked about, here the shorter story.

  • Your product/service is most likely to sell if there's a demand for them.
  • A product/service will sell if it's not obsolete. Try selling a 12-year old computer and you'll know what I mean.
  • A well written ad may attract visits and convert them to sales.
  • A company with a good reputation is most likely to get repeat sales.
  • A website that works will always give the first impression to the visitor and most likely get repeat visits.
So even though you get all these elements covered, nothing is guaranteed, but you'll have a better chance in getting visits to your website and possibly convert your visitors to sales and maybe, repeat and referral sales.